About Us

About Us

Welcome to our world, where the pulse of creativity beats as fiercely as the heart of an athlete. Our newest collection, "Creatives Are The New Athletes," by TZIAH JONES, is a testament to the journey, the struggle, and the triumph of the creative spirit. This collection is not just clothing; it's a statement, a manifesto for those who live at the crossroads of art and athleticism.

Growing up, sports were my world—football, track, basketball, soccer. I lived for the days spent at the park, the adrenaline of the game, the camaraderie of the team. But as I traded playgrounds for studios, sketches for strategies, I realized the game never really changed, just the arena. Today, as a designer, curator, entrepreneur, and more, I understand that creatives are athletes in their own right. We train through practice, we compete in the showcases of our work, and we strive for excellence in our every endeavor.

This collection celebrates that ethos. It's for the dreamers who train in the dead of night, the visionaries who play every day as if it's the championship, the relentless souls who know that to win in the game of creativity, you need the best gear. Inspired by the likes of pioneers and visionaries who've blurred the lines between fashion, art, and athleticism, we stand on the shoulders of giants as we craft our path.

We are still making clothing for everyday life. Our pieces are designed to empower you, to make you feel confident and ready to take on the world, whether you're in the thick of preparation or shining in the spotlight. We are still making custom outfits, because in this game, your style is your signature, your armor. And we are still growing, evolving with every collection, every piece, and every one of you who joins us on this journey.

"Creatives Are The New Athletes" is more than a collection; it's a movement. It's a recognition of the hard work, dedication, and passion that drive us. It's an acknowledgment of the arenas where we shine—be it fashion shows, photoshoots, events, or the very streets where our creations come to life.

To everyone who sees the world not just as it is but as it could be, this collection is for you. Thank you for being part of our journey, for pushing boundaries, and for proving, day after day, that the spirit of competition, the thrill of the game, and the glory of victory are not confined to sports arenas. They live in every stroke of the brush, every stitch in fabric, and every bold step we take together.

Join us as we celebrate the athletes of the imagination, the champions of creativity. This is just the beginning.

With passion and gratitude,